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The Language of Listening 4-week Course
@ The School for Sacred Storytelling

Listening is a layered art, and those layers are an inherent part of traditional storytelling and the approach to wānanga (Māori ‘schools of learning’). Lore, truth and revelation are continually held - awaiting the listener’s arrival... revealed for you and by you in reciprocity. Explore listening through your 12 senses. Open listening doorways - we turn to listening skills that come from Indigenous legacies of receiving a story, story-telling/ guardianship, story release and healing. This course will support your capacity as a guardian of stories, as a relating human, as a communicator and as a creator.


Open Listening Doorways
@ The Sacred Story Summit (free)

Indigenous legacies of receiving, story stewarding and healing


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9-Month Global Online Training for Therapists, Guides, Mentors, Healers, Youth Workers, Facilitators, Spiritual Leaders and Rite of Passage Doulas... Confidently develop and enact personally meaningful, culturally relevant ceremonies and rites of passage for yourself and your community!

Exploring boundaries in relationships. Clarifying maps and insights to apply immediately.

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We often turn to spirituality as a crutch while disconnecting from the people or situation at hand. It disguises itself not just by making us feel better in the moment, but the misbelief that it makes us good, helpful humans, healers, and teachers. Perhaps we answer the call to be positive, optimistic, people of power, and change. The irony is that in clinging to spiritual ideals and bypassing the pain at hand, we become unavailable to the world that needs us. For trained helpers, holding expectations that our worth is shown in how quickly we get people through to the ‘other-side’ of their feelings, we gravitate to finding the good, the positive reframe, the lesson, yet we are in danger of promoting feeling better over genuine growth. None of us on a spiritual path want to abandon the experiences needing genuine attention; whether in ourselves and others. It happens out of self-preservation, emotional and energetic overwhelm, and from an inner ‘freeze’ in not knowing how to do enough or make a difference. Our spiritual ego protects us in an idealized ‘balm’ and we neglect the human task at hand.


You've gone through this journey many times. You'll go through it again. As will your loved ones. ​We experience these stages every time we go through a crisis, a change, begin something new, deepen our character or genius. ​ Having an in-depth understanding of the 11 stages deepens insight, self-trust, and our capacity to courageously walk forward.   It provides a map for healing early childhood, attachment, or relational wounds, so we can give and receive in deeply satisfying, mutual ways, to deepen connection within our family, community and/or leadership. ​ The woman experiences these stages in each transformation, initiation, and within her journey to wholeness and completeness with herself.

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